Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I Need A Favor (No Money, I Promise)

You know I don't make special blogs for no reason so please know...this is a special one!

I get these updates from Blogger telling me how many people are reading my blog, where these people are, and how often they read it...today as you are reading this...you are 1 of 16,761 people in 23 different countries reading my blog. This is not me patting myself on the back. This is me taking the opportunity I have to each and everyone of you for a personal favor...no money needed...shouldn't take more than 60 seconds.

I want you to think of the word STRENGTH and form a picture in your mind. It could be physical strength (weight lifting, yoga, boxing) it could be mental strength (crunching numbers, problem solving) it could be emotional strength (dealing with a breakup)...I want you to think of the word STRENGTH in whatever capacity you can...the strongest amount of strength you can muster and I'd like you to put it in a teeny mental envelope and send it to me. I need it for my family.

My grandfather's family The Doherty's are the strongest people God ever put on the face of the earth. Stubborn as all hell, but strong. My grandfather is one of 8 siblings and is only one of 4 left. My grandfather's sister is currently in the hospital and her health is not the best. Now, I realize you get bombarded left, right and center for people asking you for LIKES on facebook or to forward chain emails and I personally hate those...so that's why I just want you to close your eyes and think of the word STRENGTH. To those of you in California and Arizona it could be this morning, for my Boston/NYC/Brazil friends it might be during your lunch hour, for my European and Middle Eastern friends it could be tonight when you're driving home (actually, I lied, don't close your eyes when you're driving home please) as for you readers in Australia...Honestly, I have no idea what time it is there...is it even still March?! Anywho...it could be right now.

I am not looking for a miracle...I am not looking for sympathy...I am looking for strength for my aunt, for her family...my family...our family. How do I know you have strength to give? Because I know you even if we have never met.

You are a unique stranger driven to my blog because you find humor in my everyday life and to find that humor takes strength.

You have gone to work with a smile on your face no matter how bad life is, and trust me it's been pretty shitty at times, because you have to and that, takes strength.

You are mothers, fathers, siblings, husbands, wives and family units and to deal with your family (and for your family to deal with you) takes strength.

You are Christians, Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Agnostics, Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians and to listen to what other people have to say even though you disagree with it and you know they're wrong takes strength. 

You are servicemen and women, fighting for our country in remote areas of the world not knowing if you are going to make it home to your loved ones and to wake up and keep fighting each day takes strength.

You are those servicemen and women's families...you have to maintain a normal life even though you are riddled with fear and anxiety over what the future hold but you march on...that, takes strength. 

You are my family and friends, you know me personally as both Sean and Glitter and Lord Knows...to deal with me takes strength.

You are 16,761 people that I am asking to come together today and send strength. No matter the outcome, no matter what happens, I know my family will need it and I know they will appreciate it.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart and promise that if you ever need strength from me, it is yours to have.

Very Sincerely,

Sean "Glitter" Doherty

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