You know I don't make special blogs for no reason so please know...this is a special one!
I get these updates from Blogger telling me how many people are reading my blog, where these people are, and how often they read as you are reading are 1 of 16,761 people in 23 different countries reading my blog. This is not me patting myself on the back. This is me taking the opportunity I have to each and everyone of you for a personal money needed...shouldn't take more than 60 seconds.
I want you to think of the word STRENGTH and form a picture in your mind. It could be physical strength (weight lifting, yoga, boxing) it could be mental strength (crunching numbers, problem solving) it could be emotional strength (dealing with a breakup)...I want you to think of the word STRENGTH in whatever capacity you can...the strongest amount of strength you can muster and I'd like you to put it in a teeny mental envelope and send it to me. I need it for my family.
My grandfather's family The Doherty's are the strongest people God ever put on the face of the earth. Stubborn as all hell, but strong. My grandfather is one of 8 siblings and is only one of 4 left. My grandfather's sister is currently in the hospital and her health is not the best. Now, I realize you get bombarded left, right and center for people asking you for LIKES on facebook or to forward chain emails and I personally hate that's why I just want you to close your eyes and think of the word STRENGTH. To those of you in California and Arizona it could be this morning, for my Boston/NYC/Brazil friends it might be during your lunch hour, for my European and Middle Eastern friends it could be tonight when you're driving home (actually, I lied, don't close your eyes when you're driving home please) as for you readers in Australia...Honestly, I have no idea what time it is it even still March?! could be right now.
I am not looking for a miracle...I am not looking for sympathy...I am looking for strength for my aunt, for her family...our family. How do I know you have strength to give? Because I know you even if we have never met.
You are a unique stranger driven to my blog because you find humor in my everyday life and to find that humor takes strength.
You have gone to work with a smile on your face no matter how bad life is, and trust me it's been pretty shitty at times, because you have to and that, takes strength.
You are mothers, fathers, siblings, husbands, wives and family units and to deal with your family (and for your family to deal with you) takes strength.
You are Christians, Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Agnostics, Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians and to listen to what other people have to say even though you disagree with it and you know they're wrong takes strength.
You are servicemen and women, fighting for our country in remote areas of the world not knowing if you are going to make it home to your loved ones and to wake up and keep fighting each day takes strength.
You are those servicemen and women's have to maintain a normal life even though you are riddled with fear and anxiety over what the future hold but you march on...that, takes strength.
You are my family and friends, you know me personally as both Sean and Glitter and Lord deal with me takes strength.
You are 16,761 people that I am asking to come together today and send strength. No matter the outcome, no matter what happens, I know my family will need it and I know they will appreciate it.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart and promise that if you ever need strength from me, it is yours to have.
Very Sincerely,
Sean "Glitter" Doherty
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
The Nude Gay Art Show
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When I moved in with Roommate, we each agreed to take one bill on our credit cards. He took electricity, I took water. Both bills are roughly $70/month give or take $5. Now, wouldn't you think that if I have one $70 and he has another $70 bill that we would just pay our respective bills and call it even?? ME FUCKING TOO. No no, Roommate insists that we give each other half of the money from the other bill and document the transaction. If anyone has any idea why he'd want to do that, I'm open for suggestions. Any who, the few times that I have been traveling or busy or whatever I'd just text him "Sorry, I forgot to send you half the water bill I'll just pay the whole thing right now." to which I'd INSTANTLY get a phone call asking why etc etc. So I figure I'll text him "Forgot to pay the water bill" and figured within 10 minutes I'd a text, a phone call, and a carrier pigeon all scolding me for my was the perfect plan!!
Nope, no response from Roommate.
So I send him one final text..."Heading back to Boston until Tuesday, hope everything is OK"
Ok, worried as I might was not going to intrude on my plans to fly home for St. Patrick's Day and
I arrive home LATE Monday night instead of Tuesday morning as I originally thought. I am not sure why Arizona doesn't participate in Daylight Savings time or why no direct flights go to Tucson but all I know is...if I were to get on a non-stop flight from Boston and travel same amount of time it takes me to get to Tucson...I would be in INDIA. Obviously because I flew coach, I was given nothing but laughter from the first class passengers to dine on during my 15 hours of travel so I was STARVING and couldn't wait to make myself some food.
I arrive home and see a light on. Ok, I think to myself...this is a relief! I schlep my bags up the steps and set them on the doorstep, find my keys and open the door...and of course, there is Roommate stark naked in my living room surrounded by dudes.
Ummm, hi
Oh hey, thought you weren't getting back until tomorrow
I didn't understand the time changes
Me: you mind putting on some clothes? (there goes my thought of eating food....ever again)
Oh yea sorry. Do you want some wine?
Please don't touch anything further until I Lysol everything
Sorry I didn't get your texts. I was in Mexico volunteering for a student art project. I was only planning on going there for the weekend but then I met this group of art students and they were there on spring break so we were hanging out and then they wanted to do another piece so I invited them back here to sketch me. That's Loco, Luiz, Rocco, Chino and Nibbles. This is my roommate sh-
Maria...what? if this is the traveling group of West Side Story then I want to be Maria.
Well, I mean they are always looking for extra models
1) I don't like being naked in the shower
2) If this is an "art group"...why does nobody have art supplies and why is Rocco also not wearing clothes?
3) If they are "students" why does Nibbles look about 40 and have teardrop tattoos? Pretty sure that means he's killed people....I'm going to bed.
Wait, there's just one more thing
You paid the whole water bill? I thought we talked about this?
We did. Remind me tomorrow and we can talk about you holding Mexican Art Student Painting Parties and maybe if we can agree on ending those, I'll think about not paying the whole water bill. Good night.
Buenas noches buen chico buscando
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Children Of The Porn
I'd like to think I am always there for my friends. Before this gig, it was easy for me to jump on a plane and fly to whatever part of the world my friends were in if they felt that they needed me. Once, a friend in Norway got pregnant and the baby daddy left her and she just needed a a quick trip to Oslo got her feeling 100% better. Another time, a friend needed help moving on the hottest day in July and rather than working and making a bunch of extra money on the weekend, I saddled up my Cadillac and got that bitch relocated in a mere few hours. Then there was the time that my best friend in the world got deported from the United Kingdom after taking his expired visa to Greece for 2 months to sleep with a bunch of chicks and then tried to get back to see one of the 10 Michael Jackson shows that never happened because he died...Michael Jackson...not my friend.
So when I got word that a friend of mine from Boston was going to be in LA for the weekend I knew that not matter what, I had to see him! Now, this isn't just any friend of mine...this is a friend with a VERY famous family. His grandparents were celebrities on the big screen during the hay day of Hollywood and he spent his summers at the home of a family friend of theirs, George Lucas. So when I got the invite (read: invited myself) to visit his family in LA LA Land, I was MORE than excited about the opportunity.
Can't wait to see ya this weekend buddy! What airport you flying into?
Van Nuys, obvi...what do you think I started flying commercial?
I'm flying commercial
Me too, I land in LAX at 7:30.
Ok great, got a bunch of stuff planned...bring something fancy to wear.
OMG!! My friend with the famous family wants me to bring something fancy to wear in HOLLYWOOD!!! I started racking my brain on potential ideas.
I'm no stranger to red carpets...but this was an LA Red Carpet...I could barely contain myself on the 45 minute flight from Arizona and was so happy to see Ron when HIS DRIVER picked me up. This guy is class plus.
So...did you bring a suit?
What? no good?
No, I look...interesting...just not sure you're going to fit in
I'm a chameleon. I blend in whats the event...Movie Screening? Gallery Opening?
We're going to a funeral.
A what?
A funeral. One of my friends dads passed away and we need to make an appearance.
Have I met this person?
Were you at my birthday in January?
I was living in Arizona
Ok then, no you haven't.
So here we are driving up the I-10 to Beverly Hills on my way to a friend of a friends father's funeral...not really the way I planned my fabulous LA vacation but I can adjust. We arrive at the funeral and I notice something right off the body.
(whispering) where is the body?
(whispering) in the ground. he's Jewish
(whispering) then what's with the priest?
I have no fucking idea
Yes, Ron's friend Abraham Hebrewburg's father was in fact Jewish as was his the appearance of the priest was something I had to question.
Abe, so sorry about your dad man.
Thanks so much for coming. Is this your boyfriend?
No, dude, I'm straight and married...You were in my wedding.
Oh, yea sorry. Mom gave me a pill to help my nerves...I think it was Valium
I think it was angel dust......what?
Ron (looking offended):
You could do worse.
Yes I know I could- but we aren.... why are we even discussing this?!
So Abe explains to us that when his father passed away suddenly, there were no Rabbis available to bury the body by sundown so his mother thought it'd be 6 to 1 half dozen of the other...but this was BEVERLY HILLS...I cut off 5 Rabbis at baggage claim...this town is full of Jews! Well once the priest had buried the body his mother felt it rude to not have him do the service...but a Rabbi was en route as well.
So as Ron is talking to the family I make like the chameleon I am and try and assimilate myself into my surroundings. I do a circle of the room and I make a realization that I never thought I'd have the courage to say...there were A LOT of smokin hot chicks in this place. Not even joking, the ratio of hot women to unhot women was like 100:1. They all looked soooo fake, sooo plastic. I haven't seen this much platinum blonde hair since my sister bought a pack of extensions at Costco.
Where have I seen these girls before?? They weren't A-list stars...they weren't B-list stars...I couldn't think of it so I asked Ron if Abe's dad was in show biz.
Yea, his dad worked as a movie director. Isn't it great to see how many of the stars he worked with came out to pay tribute to him? It's sweet.
It's definitely something but sweet is not the word I would use. Ron, these chicks are porn stars.
What? No. His dad didn't direct porn! He made educational films.
Yea...SEX ED films!! Unless you count the one over there that did Dallas as a Geography film.
You're being ridiculous. Plus, what would you know about straight porn anyways?
Ummm you're talking to the guy who at the age of 12 ordered $7,500 worth of the Spice Channel on his a/b cable box during one week of April vacation....I know a female porn star when I see one.
Stop it. You're being silly. I have to go help Abe with the hot dogs.
Yea. His dad really loved this hot dog place in Calabasas and he had them cater all of his parties so Abe thought it would be a nice send off to have them cater the reception.
And you see NOTHING odd about this? Nothing at all?
No you're right! I know. I actually thought about it too; but Abe cleared it up.
Their all beef so they're Kosher.
Oh for Christ's sake....FINE! I'll see you inside the reception.
The reception was a hoot!! If I knew it was going to be a AVN convention I would have brought my camera! No no, that's mean. It was a solemn and sad event but a joyous celebration of a man's life who brought happiness to millions and millions of men and women (mostly men) and the kindred spirits that converged to celebrate the soul and legacy of this talented and dedicated filmmaker...while eating hot dogs.
So when I got word that a friend of mine from Boston was going to be in LA for the weekend I knew that not matter what, I had to see him! Now, this isn't just any friend of mine...this is a friend with a VERY famous family. His grandparents were celebrities on the big screen during the hay day of Hollywood and he spent his summers at the home of a family friend of theirs, George Lucas. So when I got the invite (read: invited myself) to visit his family in LA LA Land, I was MORE than excited about the opportunity.
Can't wait to see ya this weekend buddy! What airport you flying into?
Van Nuys, obvi...what do you think I started flying commercial?
I'm flying commercial
Me too, I land in LAX at 7:30.
Ok great, got a bunch of stuff planned...bring something fancy to wear.
OMG!! My friend with the famous family wants me to bring something fancy to wear in HOLLYWOOD!!! I started racking my brain on potential ideas.
I'm no stranger to red carpets...but this was an LA Red Carpet...I could barely contain myself on the 45 minute flight from Arizona and was so happy to see Ron when HIS DRIVER picked me up. This guy is class plus.
So...did you bring a suit?
What? no good?
No, I look...interesting...just not sure you're going to fit in
I'm a chameleon. I blend in whats the event...Movie Screening? Gallery Opening?
We're going to a funeral.
A what?
A funeral. One of my friends dads passed away and we need to make an appearance.
Have I met this person?
Were you at my birthday in January?
I was living in Arizona
Ok then, no you haven't.
So here we are driving up the I-10 to Beverly Hills on my way to a friend of a friends father's funeral...not really the way I planned my fabulous LA vacation but I can adjust. We arrive at the funeral and I notice something right off the body.
(whispering) where is the body?
(whispering) in the ground. he's Jewish
(whispering) then what's with the priest?
I have no fucking idea
Yes, Ron's friend Abraham Hebrewburg's father was in fact Jewish as was his the appearance of the priest was something I had to question.
Abe, so sorry about your dad man.
Thanks so much for coming. Is this your boyfriend?
No, dude, I'm straight and married...You were in my wedding.
Oh, yea sorry. Mom gave me a pill to help my nerves...I think it was Valium
I think it was angel dust......what?
Ron (looking offended):
You could do worse.
Yes I know I could- but we aren.... why are we even discussing this?!
So Abe explains to us that when his father passed away suddenly, there were no Rabbis available to bury the body by sundown so his mother thought it'd be 6 to 1 half dozen of the other...but this was BEVERLY HILLS...I cut off 5 Rabbis at baggage claim...this town is full of Jews! Well once the priest had buried the body his mother felt it rude to not have him do the service...but a Rabbi was en route as well.
Where have I seen these girls before?? They weren't A-list stars...they weren't B-list stars...I couldn't think of it so I asked Ron if Abe's dad was in show biz.
Yea, his dad worked as a movie director. Isn't it great to see how many of the stars he worked with came out to pay tribute to him? It's sweet.
It's definitely something but sweet is not the word I would use. Ron, these chicks are porn stars.
What? No. His dad didn't direct porn! He made educational films.
Yea...SEX ED films!! Unless you count the one over there that did Dallas as a Geography film.
You're being ridiculous. Plus, what would you know about straight porn anyways?
Ummm you're talking to the guy who at the age of 12 ordered $7,500 worth of the Spice Channel on his a/b cable box during one week of April vacation....I know a female porn star when I see one.
Stop it. You're being silly. I have to go help Abe with the hot dogs.
Yea. His dad really loved this hot dog place in Calabasas and he had them cater all of his parties so Abe thought it would be a nice send off to have them cater the reception.
And you see NOTHING odd about this? Nothing at all?
No you're right! I know. I actually thought about it too; but Abe cleared it up.
Their all beef so they're Kosher.
Oh for Christ's sake....FINE! I'll see you inside the reception.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
What's My Age Again?
I have been called A LOT of things in my lifetime...and most of them at one time or another are true. NOT one of the words that describes who I am. Even back in the late 90's when I thought I was black, the early 2000's when all I wanted to do was be the 250lb member of the next great boy band or even in 2006 when I used to cut off all the sleeves of my shirts to make matching wristbands...I never wanted to be alone...I clearly just couldn't find friends.
Fast forward to present day and I am a mother-fucking social butterfly.
Even in Tucson Arizona, where the gay population consists of ONLY eighteen year olds and octogenarians, I have still found my niche in the social society. Speed bumps like last weekend, however, make me fear for the next generation.
I live in Lollipop Land. I say this because my "Luxury Under 30 Community" is in reality, expensive dorms. When thrust into a job across the country that I had 16 days to report to and zero time to house hunt, I literally picked the WORST place in the world to the WORST place in the world. Now, these are not labeled as "Student Housing" because that might ward off young professionals like myself. To me, Luxury Under 30 Community suggests urban professionals who don't quite have the means to afford purchasing a home but want the luxuries of a heated pool and gym to come home to after their medical residencies, entry level jobs, or grad courses. No no, this is the home of the University of Arizona where most freshman drive 5 series BMW's and the great academic scholars of Kourtney Kardashian and Nicole Richie are for a radio DJ who in real life isn't making terrible money AT the U of A kids I pretty much look like this:

Now, I have no idea how much money Roommate makes, I know he can afford pounds of horse meat, patchouli oil and probably the platinum membership subscription to "online buddies" but I know he does not make enough to afford dish detergent, laundry detergent, or Clorox wipes since he always seems to need to use mine. I do know that he can afford 50% of our rent and it isn't cheap. Aside from Roommate, I haven't really interacted with that many people in my complex because to be honest, they are all children. If you think you have nothing in common with your neighbors, imagine listening to them discuss what their major is going to be or how excited they are to do SHOTS this weekend.
In the building's really nice gym, I get to re-live the bro's past weekend's shenanigans of "that chick from Delta Phi" and what a dick Professor Shultzman is for not passing his English Lit paper...
Now, I know what you're thinking...oh you're a know celebrities and talk about Pop Culture all must be in your glory. The answer to your thought is ABSOLUTELY NOT. While I love making money to feign interest in the lives of talentless people, rest assured that is not the topic of conversation I am looking to strike up with people I socialize with. My few conversations with the children have resulted in the following excerpts:
Lost Boy:
So do you like wanna come over and drink later?
Umm, ok...want me to bring wine?
Lost Boy:
What kind?
Lost Boy:
Ok...any preference?
Lost Boy:
Ah yea...white?
Yea, what kind of white?
Lost Boy:
Oh, I didn't know there were different kinds.
Yup Sport, there are.
(I did NOT go to his apt for wine)
Girl 1:
So we're having a party later, do you want to come?
Oh, no thanks. I'm really busy.
Girl 2:
Omg, no, it'll be totally bitchin. Come on, stop by!!
Ok fine, you want me to bring anything?
Girl 1:
Omg yes!! We've been trying to find someone to buy us booze for like a month!
(I did NOT buy them alcohol)
Guy 1:
So, what do you do for work?
I'm a radio DJ
Guy 2:
Aw dude that's bitchin (apparently this is the hot word with the youth today)
Guy 1:
So, what kind of music do you play?
Well, one station is like Top 40...the other station is 90's music
Guy 2:
So like oldies?
(I did, in fact, murder them both for calling the Spice Girls "Oldies")
(I did, in fact, murder them both for calling the Spice Girls "Oldies")
So apparently, to these children, I'm a dinosaur. And I'm actually OK with that because up until this point, I use my apartment as a work week base and spend my money on hotels rooms and trips on the weekends. I was talking to a co-worked of mine who asked me what I was doing this weekend.
Ritz-Carlton. Frozen Drinks...Evian Spritz..the usual. You?
Going to dinner at MY COMPLEX
Oh, what's bringing you there?
This guy I'm seeing. He's a little younger than I am.
Now, she is a very attractive and extremely sweet 45 year old. Nobody in my complex could be near her age unless she's dating the security staff.
Oooh how fun!! How much younger??
He's 33
We've been seeing each other a few weeks. We mostly just stay at my place but since my house is getting worked on this weekend I suggested we stay at his place.
Oh, and what's he do?
He's in accounting
Yea. Accounting 101.
Well, you know that's the complex I live in right? You guys should come over for a drink!!
Oh?? Umm...well...I'm sure we'd love's just that...well I might have told him I was a bit younger than I am.
How old did you say you were?
To what power?
Oh, well...I mean...I'm not going to say anything
Oh great, I'll tell him and we'll be by about 9.
If it isn't past his bedtime
Hi Sean!! This is Trent.
Trent realizes I know he's a toddler and immediately tries to strike up a mature conversation.
Oh Sean, I see you have the V12 CTS...I got an AMG G55 myself.
I have no idea what any of those words mean. Do you want wine?
So to recap - sitting in front of me is my 45 year old co-worker pretending to be 34 and my 22 year old neighbor pretending to be 33. I couldn't think of anything that could make it more awkward. But I didn't have to think anymore because IN WALKS ROOMMATE!
Hi Sean, Hi Trent, don't mind me...I'm just going getting some books and then I have to head back out to library.
Wait, how does he know Trent? Roommate doesn't go to the gym/in the sun. The only people he talks to are his random hookups and his students. Oh my god no!! No!! Trent is one of Roommate's students! Please don't say anything Roommate, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE just for once in your life, be cool!
So Trent, the TA tells me you were looking for some tutoring in economics, I have some other staff looking around for you but I'll let your academic advisor know.
What's he talking about?
Oh, I'm sorry...are you his mom? Did you not know he was failing?
Did you lie to me about you age?
Oh my god, how old are you?
You're a 24 year old sophomore? Are you some sort of retarded?
Oh my god! I can't believe you are 24. I can't believe you lied to me!
I know, I'm sorry!! It's just that when you said you were 34 I didn't want you to think I was too young for you.
You're not really 34 are you? Wow. You look awful.
Roommate, fuck off!
Roommate leaves and I look at co-worker to see if she'll do the right thing. Just be upfront and honest with him and explain to him that you're in a bad place with your love life and you wanted to attract a younger man so you took the opportunity and faked your age just like he did! Totally understandable!! You guys could be the next Ashton and Demi!
I need to be honest with you Trent...I can't be with someone who lies. I think you need to go.
But I...
So Trent leaves and I look at co-worker and realize, a woman will take her real age to the grave...along with any man who threatens to reveal it.
Ritz-Carlton. Frozen Drinks...Evian Spritz..the usual. You?
Going to dinner at MY COMPLEX
Oh, what's bringing you there?
This guy I'm seeing. He's a little younger than I am.
Now, she is a very attractive and extremely sweet 45 year old. Nobody in my complex could be near her age unless she's dating the security staff.
Oooh how fun!! How much younger??
He's 33
We've been seeing each other a few weeks. We mostly just stay at my place but since my house is getting worked on this weekend I suggested we stay at his place.
Oh, and what's he do?
He's in accounting
Yea. Accounting 101.
Well, you know that's the complex I live in right? You guys should come over for a drink!!
Oh?? Umm...well...I'm sure we'd love's just that...well I might have told him I was a bit younger than I am.
How old did you say you were?
To what power?
Oh, well...I mean...I'm not going to say anything
Oh great, I'll tell him and we'll be by about 9.
If it isn't past his bedtime
So 9 rolls around and I open a bottle of Riesling and I hear a knock at the door. It's Co-Worker and her beau. Beau I immediately recognize from the gym and can, without a doubt, claim that he is no older than 22...old enough to buy booze...not yet graduated college.
She...looks like JonBenet Ramsey.
Hi Sean!! This is Trent.
Trent realizes I know he's a toddler and immediately tries to strike up a mature conversation.
Oh Sean, I see you have the V12 CTS...I got an AMG G55 myself.
I have no idea what any of those words mean. Do you want wine?
So to recap - sitting in front of me is my 45 year old co-worker pretending to be 34 and my 22 year old neighbor pretending to be 33. I couldn't think of anything that could make it more awkward. But I didn't have to think anymore because IN WALKS ROOMMATE!
Hi Sean, Hi Trent, don't mind me...I'm just going getting some books and then I have to head back out to library.
Wait, how does he know Trent? Roommate doesn't go to the gym/in the sun. The only people he talks to are his random hookups and his students. Oh my god no!! No!! Trent is one of Roommate's students! Please don't say anything Roommate, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE just for once in your life, be cool!
So Trent, the TA tells me you were looking for some tutoring in economics, I have some other staff looking around for you but I'll let your academic advisor know.
What's he talking about?
Oh, I'm sorry...are you his mom? Did you not know he was failing?
Did you lie to me about you age?
Oh my god, how old are you?
You're a 24 year old sophomore? Are you some sort of retarded?
Oh my god! I can't believe you are 24. I can't believe you lied to me!
I know, I'm sorry!! It's just that when you said you were 34 I didn't want you to think I was too young for you.
You're not really 34 are you? Wow. You look awful.
Roommate, fuck off!
Roommate leaves and I look at co-worker to see if she'll do the right thing. Just be upfront and honest with him and explain to him that you're in a bad place with your love life and you wanted to attract a younger man so you took the opportunity and faked your age just like he did! Totally understandable!! You guys could be the next Ashton and Demi!
I need to be honest with you Trent...I can't be with someone who lies. I think you need to go.
But I...
So Trent leaves and I look at co-worker and realize, a woman will take her real age to the grave...along with any man who threatens to reveal it.
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